I studied puppet theatre in Turku Arts Academy (1999-2004) and physical theatre at The International School of Theatre Jacques Lecoq in Paris (2006-2008). I am now both a director and a performer. I love to combine different art forms in my creations. When I work as a director I often use specially commissioned live music. I also very much like collaborating with actors, dancers, puppeteers, musicians and circus artists. The artistic whole and  overarching idea of each creation always influences the performers and how they work as a group. I am really curious and interested in exploring the meeting points of different art forms to learn how they can coexist in same show. Being a director is like being a gardener; making all the different flowers flourish and bringing an exciting garden into existence for all to see.

I have theatre group called Nukkehallitus, Puppet Government. I founded it with an actor Reetta Honkakoski and a musician Olli Kari. We also currently work with the lighting designer, Saija Nojonen. Like its name suggests, Puppet Government is sometimes working and sometimes sleeping. But my theatrical performances are always adopt this title.

Together with Saija Nojonen, the musician, Suvi Oskala and the composer, Masi Tiitta , I created visual concerts entitled Nainen joka harjoitteli luolassa (2006) and Ma-te-ma-tiik-kaa hi-tau-des-ta (2010). These projects have offered great experiences to explore the collaboration between different art forms and ways to work democratically as a group of creators.

I love to be on the stage. Luckily I have had opportunities to do just that lately, both with my music theatre duo Lajunen y Castrillón with Sergio Castrillón, and this summer, as an actor in a Norwegian film by Johanna Raita. The film will be titled Do Something Beautiful and is due for release in 2013.

Ensayo N6:
Jacques Lecoq: