Elina Lajunen
Elina Lajunen is a puppeteer, a director, a writer and a hatmaker. She also plays the violin. She studied music in the High school of Kaustinen and music schools of Jyväskylä and Kokkola. In 2004 she graduated from Turku Arts Academy as a puppeteer and in 2008 she graduated from The International Theatre School Jacques Lecoq in Paris. In 2019 she took part in a special education which combined puppet theatre and music theatre. Education was organized by Turku Art Academy and Novia University of Applied Sciences.
Elina has been working with visual arts and has created two installations, The Cirkus Kokko (2008) and The Iceberg (2009) for the Children Art festival Hippalot in Hämeenlinna. With a group of artists from different arts fields she has created three experimental visual concerts, Nainen joka harjoitteli Luolassa (2006, Ma-te-ma-tiik-kaa hi-tau-des-ta (2010) and Klaustrofunktionalismi (2013). During summer 2010 Elina worked in Berlin in Mimosa Pale’s hat shop Himo, created her own hat design and started to make hats out of ties. August 2012, Elina sold her hats in Lasipalatsi Design Market in Helsinki.
Elina loves to write. She writes scripts for her own performances. She also writes articles for Theatre and Media Union Magazine Meteli. She has worked a lot with musicians and made music videos with Duo Milla Viljamaa and Johanna Juhola, Kouon Frouva, Aili Järvelä & New Better Spring Band and Suo. Her passions are argentine tango, ice swimming, silence, collages, nature and good food with good company.